Deep Thoughts for On Hold Messaging in the Hospitality Industry

We just completed an on hold messaging program for the Wyndham Hotel in Phoenix, AZ. Wonderful voice performance by Eileen Brady counterpointed by an edgy, contemporary music composition. The script was well written by our wordsmith Mark Ellis highlighting all the hospitable complements in this chic hotel. If you’d like to listen, go to

During this production, it occurred to me that most marketing directors in the hospitality industry stress the convenience and comfort of their accommodations in these programs but overlook the equal importance of using specific messages to attract visitors during big events. Whether it’s a convention, a political rally or a theater show, these events drive hotel reservations. So it makes sense to keep your on hold messaging timely and market your hotel’s availability while your callers are on hold. Centering it around key events in your area will assist your overall advertising strategy in driving hotel reservations.

Now with that, it’s late and time for bed. I have awesome accommodations!