Chris Gately: The Man Behind The Scene

Mind The Gap Podcasts

I’ve known Chris for over twenty years. But we didn’t start out as friends. In the beginning, I hired him to correct technical problems in my studio and, believe me, there were many. He would arrive at my studio with his modest tool kit and ask me about the technical issues I was encountering. His […]

Mind The Gap’s Marc A. Gallo Interviewed by Tore Fiore on iRadioPhilly’s The Delco Show

Wow…what an interview! Tore Fiore was on fire! I was expecting a laid back discussion about Mind The Gap’s on hold music and messaging services but instead I was confronted with an engaging and testosterone-fueled pontification about how cool we are. Tore may look old but he acted like he just polished off 5 Red Bulls. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! […]

5 Quick Tips to Create a Complete Marketing Strategy

After 25+ years in business, I’ve come to learn quite a few things about what NOT to do in marketing my company. As always,  my proclivity was to toss the boomerang, wish for the best, never expect the worst and, of course, as fate would have it, see the boomerang head right back and smack me across the […]