Mind The Gap’s Marc A. Gallo Interviewed by Tore Fiore on iRadioPhilly’s The Delco Show

Wow…what an interview! Tore Fiore was on fire!

I was expecting a laid back discussion about Mind The Gap’s on hold music and messaging services but instead I was confronted with an engaging and testosterone-fueled pontification about how cool we are. Tore may look old but he acted like he just polished off 5 Red Bulls.

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

He surprised me when he auditioned our services without us even knowing it. On our site, we offer a no obligation “Try Before You Buy” service where prospective customers can test us prior to making a purchase. Apparently, Tore had submitted a request for us to create a demo for “Destination Delco”.

Good thing we had our “A’ game on. Not only did we turnaround the production within 24 hours but I thought the demo for “Destination Delco” was awesome! It’s a great feeling to work with an “A” team at Mind The Gap!

One of the highlights for me was Tore’s inquiry about our most weirdest request and I was delighted to say, the bad boy that I am, it was from a sex shop. Lots of “Ohs & Ahs”…regretfully it didn’t include any from me. It’s always somebody else who has all the fun…yeah, right?!

The Invitation Stands…

I would love to have Tore come work for us. His dynamic delivery and inquisitive presentation would work perfectly with some of our clientele. He has an extensive history in radio broadcasting and it clearly shows he hasn’t lost a step in his performance.

So the invitation stands my good friend…broadened your horizons…include our messaging services in your ever growing library of work! You’re a consummate professional…a true gentleman…and a great American!!!